My Scratch Stuff

Assignment #1

Assignment #2


Question #1- there are multiple loops such as Forever loop which makes the command to occur forever, also there is a repeat loop which makes the command repeat the amount of times the programmer sets it to repeat

Question #2- If yoy wanted an action to repeat and you didn't know what to use you would use a repeat loop so you can do trial and error with the number of times it repeats by setting the number if times it repeats.

Question #3- I don't thing the structure works because the first forever loop would go on forever there fore the second part of the strucutre would never be activated.

Question #4- a sprite can know when to begin an action by multiple ways such as brodcast, or a manuel activation like the green flag, also by sensing.

Question #5- They are equivalent because the command will be the same except if you dont activate the second one it will do it by it self

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